Kati Morphy

Sunday, April 3, 2011

Uncle Chad is 50!

I know what you're thinking....ewww gross! Yes it looks disgusting, but I promise it is just water with yellow food coloring and a baby ruth candy bar. My dad ordered this cake from me to give to my Uncle Chad for his 50th birthday. It was yellow cake with vanilla frosting and rice crispy treats. Everyone thought it was a great cake. Chad was a good sport and laughed for a while about it. Happy Birthday Uncle Chad!


  1. OMG I'm laughing and throwing up at the same time. Not sure if I would be able to eat it. ha! SO funny and clever and cute. How do you make em? Gosh, you are so good!

  2. That is hilarious!! Your are AMAZING!!

  3. What a surprise for Chad! He is still talking about it!
